Creating transformative experiences with expert craftsmanship

Scenic solutions, custom builds, activations, wayfinding, building-spanning graphics: our work covers multiple industries and is delivered with masterful design and premium craftsmanship. Creating high-impact visual experiences and enhancing experiential environments is always a focus for our talented team.

We offer engineering, fabrication, and printing by an in-house team of highly skilled artisans. 

Extensive Fabrication Capabilities

Carpentry and metalwork

Industrial and high-quality finish painting

Theatrical set design

Modular scenic

3D Printing

Drapery, upholstery and prop shops

Electrical services and lighting integration

State-of-the-art Graphics Production

Wide-format printing​

Dye sublimation​

Silicone-edged fabric graphics​

Custom-wrapped banner frames​

Adhesives and direct to substrate​

Precision color matching and router cutting