Venue: ,
Date: October 2020

Client: Inter-American Development Bank  Event Type: Permanent Exhibit


The Inter-American Development Bank wanted to familiarize its visitors with the Bank’s projects in its mission of “Improving Lives.” To do so, they imagined a new Visitor Center that would enable them to present their own narrative directly to the general public, thus expanding visibility of the social impact of their efforts.


A condensed, at-a-glance figurative and literal street-level view of the Bank’s financing effects across nations in South America and the Caribbean.

From the start of the ideation phase, we envisioned various media—traditional, video, interactive and artifact, to transmit and convey IDB’s multiple story lines: from the overall message of outcome-based investment and development to personal stories of those whose lives they are meant to improve.

We designed an accessible and highly engaging environment. A series of activations combined with narrative opportunities were included to create a personalized user experience. With agreed upon content, media, and floor plan, Hargrove also fabricated and installed all the Center’s elements.


The Center’s appeal lies in the accessibility and immediacy of communication it enables the Bank to carry with its audience. Together with many galleries and museums in the city, it fits right in with the principle that content presented creatively, effectively, and available to many contributes greatly to the social progress of all.

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