Venue: ,
Date: December 2020

Client: Presidential & Gubernatorial Inaugural Committees Event Type: Citywide Celebration


Within 10 weeks—or less, newly elected or reelected presidents or governors are sworn in and traditionally have an office-worthy celebration for tens of thousands of constituents. While official inaugural dates are set in advance, earnest event planning cannot commence until the official inaugural committee is formed. Each inaugural is unique, setting the tone for the incoming administration, the challenge for each is the same: create the protocol experience that shifts the principle from the campaign to governing.


Only one company can say it has been involved with 18 consecutive presidential inaugurals, along with dozens of gubernatorial inaugurals nationwide.

Inaugurals present multiple challenges: a tight turnaround schedule, multiple events in separate venues, coordination of diverse agencies and vendors, and absolute completion requirements for a high caliber celebration. Planning typically begins at the end of December, leaving approximately one month to produce the numerous events most inaugurals include.

From creative ideation to budget management, Hargrove regularly provides end-to-end services for inaugurals, including theming and graphic design; décor and fabrication; detailed space planning; technical and audio-visual oversight and management; installation labor scheduling and oversight, and comprehensive attendee way-finding services. We create a unified and cohesive experience at all official events.


While each inaugural year is unique, Hargrove has produced presidential inaugurals with as many as 58 events in 38 venues over the span of 5-7 days. And, we have designed, planned, and executed as many as 6 gubernatorial celebrations concurrently.

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